Toy Design Centre @ Tsing Yi

When most consumers relate Toy as Soft Toys such as polar bears, hello kitty and Mickey Mouse etc. However the Toy Design Centre (TDC) is promoting the Electronic Toy Products in terms of training, workshop, seminars and exhibition trade shows.


The Metaphor of Electronic Chip


The spatial planning of the whole TDC is conceived as 4 Electronic chips bisecting the space diagonally into 2 different zones.Public Trade Zone and Private Research & Seminar Zone.


The conception of the Electronic Chip not only performing as the spatial divider, but also providing vertical flexi-surface such as presentation plasma screens, concealed folding worktops for notebook computers and flexible display shelves.


The Conception of Flexi-Space


As the centre is detailed with the metaphor of the Electronic Chips, a number of concealed functions are installed within the partitions. The spaces thus are flexible for allowing a number of activities such as Seminars, Lecture, Lounge, Exhibition Trade Shows as well as Research.