Hong Kong Design Centre @ 28 Kennedy Road, Central

This project is a transformation of a Historical Building into a Design Centre where various design activities and events are intervening for local and international visitors.


The Centre is conceived as “Multi-valent” object in different dimensions and space, whilst different events and activities are arranged in different “Configurations”.


Adaptive Devices
“Adaptive Devices” are re-introduced into the laboratory with newly introduced computerized system and audio-visual equipment. Adaptive Layouts allow the performance of multi-functions within the historical chambers such as exhibitions, seminars, fashion shows, performances, cocktails and banquets, etc.


New Skin at Verandah
A newly introduced curtain wall structure is skillfully arranged at the verandah to re-introduce a new layer to the existing historical chambers, thus cocktails and cafeteria can be made possible in a weather-tight space.


Preservation of Historical Elements
The highlight of the design is to fit in different functions for different design-related activities. To cope with the required flexibility, electrical and mechanical installation and structural calculations are required to be designed and submitted to Architectural Service Department and Antiquities and Monument Office for approval. All major historical ornaments, motifs and features are kept to blend in with newly introduced elements.

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