Library of HKAPA @ Wanchai (Section 1)

The entire Major Alteration + Addition Works for the Main Library is conceived as a Contemporary Agora for Students, Teaching Staff & Guests to share knowledge, ideas & information, where the focal central point is the place + space for meeting and sharing.


The Re-Organization of Basic Components
The Major Alteration + Addition Works require a major Re-Organization of the new and the existing Basic Components such as The Resources Counter, Audio-Visual Library, General Staff Office, The Learning Commons, The General Learning Area, as well as the newly introduced Mezzanine Deck with Group Study Rooms, Multi-Function Room and the new Vertical Linkage. The Re-Organization is an attempt to redefine the library phenomenon by re-introducing the New Learning Common in the Centre of the Library as a major Focal Point where the new Mezzanine Steel Deck is directly connected by a Featured Steel Staircase. All other components such as the Resources Counter, Audio Visual Library and General Library are all clustering around it.
The Re-Centralization of the General Staff Office is organized at the rear side of the Spatial sequence.


The Re-Introduction of New Mezzanine Deck + Central Staircase
In order to facilitate the Re-Organization of the Components of the library, a New Mezzanine Deck is Re-Introduced into the space with a Featured Central Steel Staircase. The New Order of the Spatial Qualities allows internal visual linkage between different levels and spaces to facilitate sharing of ideas whilst the Expressive Staircase is a centre-piece and the State-of-the-Art of the Re-Organization, and yet it also performs as a Communal Space.

The Interaction between Library & Gloucester Road outside & the Central Atrium
The Re-Organization of different components of the library is an attempt to allow the existing asset of the site to be interactive with the library, including the existing Central Atrium and the Natural Sunlight from the Gloucester Road penetrating into the library, as well as their Visual Linkage is unobstructed.


The Vivid Colour
The themed colour scheme of APA is “Purple”. The colour scheme of the library aims to “Blend-in” the newly “Institutional” Light Brown colour with light purple and grey colour. Thus suggesting “Institutional”, “Contemporary”, and “Harmony”.